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Gods Encouraging Word of the day

“Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.”

Romans 12:12

When hard times come it’s easy to to waiver in faith.  We as humans forget the God we serve. Our God is Mighty beyond measure and has no limits. We don’t have to worry about placing ourselves in Gods hands… HE NEVER FAILS!

We are allowed to have hope that The Creator of Everything is by our side throughout all of our life.

Sometimes we may ask “where is God in this pain” or “why hasn’t He answered my prayers?” Rest assured that God has not left you.

Gods timing is perfect and doesn’t always line up with our timing, His timing gives us the best outcome for our lives not the outcome we think we need.

If your waiting for a response from God… don’t give up! Keep waiting patiently while constantly praying and He will surely answer.

God Bless You

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