Boys Basketball — Jalene Berger Allstate Holiday Classic at Pojoaque Valley:
Pojoaque Valley vs. Wingate. 3 p.m.
Espanola Valley vs. Piedra Vista, 5 p.m
Girls Basketball – Lady Horsemen Christmas Round-Robin at St. Michael’s:
Sandia Prep vs. Espanola, 1 p.m.
Cobre vs. Pojoaque, 2:30 p.m.
Cottonwood Classical vs. St. Michael’s, 4 p.m.
Boys Basketball: Hobbs Holiday Classic at Hobbs:
Santa Fe High vs. Hirscha, Tex. 1:15 p.m.
Clovis Invitational at Clovis:
St. Michael’s vs. Belen, 1:30 p.m.
Stu Clark Invite at New Mexico Highlands:
Bernalillo vs. St. Pius X. 1 p.m.
Sandia Prep vs. Del Norte, 2:30 p.m.
Moriarty vs. West Las Vegas, 6 p.m.
Taos vs. Robertson, 7:30 p.m.
Girls Basketball: Lady Horsemen Christmas Round-Robin at St. Michael’s:
Cottonwood Classical vs. Sandia Prep, 1 p.m.
Pojoaque vs. Espanola, 2:30 p.m.
Cobre vs. St. Michael’s, 4 p.m.
Sterling Eagle Native American at UNM Johnson gymnasium
Santa Fe Indian School vs. Ruidoso, 6:30 p.m.
Boys Basketball: Hobbs Holiday Classic at Hobbs:
Santa Fe High vs. Rio Rancho-Eldorado winner,
Clovis Invitational at Clovis:
St. Michael’s vs. Ruidoso.
Jalene Berger Allstate Holiday Classic at Pojoaque Valley:
Espanola Valley in field.
Pojoaque Valley in field.
Girls Basketball: Lady Horsemen Christmas Round-Robin St. Michael’s:
Cobre vs. Sandia Prep, 1 p.m.
Cottonwood Classical vs. Pojoaque, 2:30 p.m.
Espanola vs. St. Michael’s. 4 p.m.
Village of Los Lunas Invitational:
Santa Fe High School vs. Alamogardo/Eldorado winner, 10;30 a.m. or 4:30 p.m.
Sterling Eagle Native American at UNM Johnson gymnasium:
Santa Fe Indian School in field
Boys Basketball – Hobbs Holiday Classic at Hobbs:
Santa Fe High School in field.
Clovis Invitational at Clovis:
St. Michael’s in field.
Girls Basketball — Village of Los Lunas Invitational:
Santa Fe High School in field.
Sterling Eagle Native American at UNM Johnson gymnasium:
Santa Fe Indian School in field.
Clovis Invitational at Clovis:
Los Alamos in field.