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200 Lincoln – Weigh in on the future of the SFUAD Campus!

By City of Santa fe


As the Santa Fe University of Art & Design moves closer to a 2018 closing date, the City of Santa Fe has been preparing for a once-in-a-generation opportunity to repurpose a true gem, located in the geographic center of our community.  Together, we can positively impact education, housing, economy, health care, entertainment, social equity, government services and the overall quality of life for our community while catalyzing the re-development of the St. Michael’s Midtown LINC corridor.

We are now reaching out to you, our incredible community, once more to help guide our efforts in creating a strategic vision for the future of this important property and our City.

We call this public process the Midtown Campus Project.

In the first phase of the Midtown Campus Project, we want to hear your ideas and priorities for the property.  To do this, we will use online collaboration activities, and reach out through traditional surveys available online and in-person.

We encourage everyone to get involved!  

To learn more and sign up to participate, please go to

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