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Thank you CUFI members for helping the Taylor Force Act become law


After more than a year’s worth of work and 1 million emails sent to Congress, we are thrilled to report that the Taylor Force Act is now the law of the land!

As many of you know, the Taylor Force Act, named for an American veteran murdered in Tel Aviv by a Palestinian terrorist, is a bill that will dramatically decrease American aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA) until that entity ends its support for terror.

The PA incites its people to commit acts of violence against Israelis and Americans by paying terrorists or their families pensions whose value is directly tied to the number of innocent lives the terrorist takes. For years, this “pay-to-slay” scheme has been in place and yet the PA continued to receive hundreds of millions of American taxpayer dollars. The Taylor Force Act strikes a huge blow to this abhorrent policy.

Thank you CUFI members for helping the Taylor Force Act become law!

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