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Gods encouraging word of the day

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Isaiah 41:10

Often when things don’t seem to go right in this life, we start feeling like we’ve been left on our own. Pressures surround, troubles cling, we may be facing huge loss, or we find ourselves in long seasons of waiting.

God’s timing seems off.

We start feeling alone, forgotten, defeated, filled with doubt.

 If God was really with us, then why did that happen?”

“If God was really with us, then why hasn’t He come through?”

“If God was really with me, then why am I hurting?”

God never promised that our way would always be “easy,” or that His Presence with us meant a life of convenience or comfort. But He did promise this, over and over in His word: that He would be “with us” in it all, and would never leave us.

He alone holds the power to turn around any difficult season or loss we may be facing, and bring great blessing and good through it all.

We may not see it, we may not even be aware of His Presence on the toughest days. But He hasn’t left us, not ever.

We don’t have to be afraid of the storms, uncertainty of the future, or changing times.

For He knows our way, He goes before us. He is pure light, shining greatness against skies of dark.

He is “God with us,” our Refuge and Strength, our Savior and Lord.

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