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Mayor Webber Condemns DC Insurrection Credits SFPD for Role in Local Peacekeeping

By Mayor Alan Webber 
“The violent insurrection that took place yesterday at the U.S. Capitol is sickening and appalling. It represents an assault on our democracy, on our Constitution, and on the hallowed halls of liberty. Even worse, the domestic terrorists who staged this attempted coup were incited by the President and his Congressional enablers. They created a mob and then turned it loose to do incalculable damage to the fabric of our Republic. We have had to witness the ugly face of the mob. Now it’s up to people of goodwill, regardless of political affiliation, to come together for the good of our country and once again reaffirm the fundamental principles of our democracy.
Here in Santa Fe we are not immune to these toxic political winds blowing our way from Washington, DC. We host demonstrations by groups from around the State, representing every cause and every community. By and large, those demonstrations follow the rule of law; they are demonstrations, not riots. Yesterday’s protest and counter-protest at the Roundhouse, thankfully, did not descend into violence. Credit for that goes to our law enforcement agencies who were fully prepared. The Santa Fe Police Department, coordinating closely with the State Police and County Sherriff’s office, enabled New Mexicans to exercise their constitutionally protected right to assemble and demonstrate, while preserving the safety of the people of Santa Fe and the security of the State Capitol.”

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