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Giving Tuesday is coming up fast! Please support Santa Fe Christian!

Giving Tuesday (November 28th) is just a couple weeks away and we are thrilled to be participating in the largest giving day of the year.

Santa Fe Christian is actively planning for the future, including the purchase of a building and land to support our growth. That is why we have set a bold goal to raise $25,000 before the end of the year. It will take a strong effort to get there, but the impact your donations will have in the lives of our current and future students will be incredible!

As you begin to pray and consider which organizations you will be supporting on Giving Tuesday, please consider putting Santa Fe Christian on your list. As a Christian, non-profit elementary school, we do not receive any government funds, so we rely completely on the investments and generosity of our families and donors like you.

Thank you for your support!

God bless,

Tiffany, DeeAnn, & Catherine
Santa Fe Christian


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