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Dangerously Close

It’s time to strike a blow to taxpayer funding for abortion.

President Trump JUST defunded Planned Parenthood internationally. This ends the taxpayer funding for killing babies in other countries. NOW a deadline looms in a Supreme Court case that could defund the abortion giant here at home.

After Planned Parenthood was caught selling the body parts of aborted babies, several states defunded it. This was a direct threat to the abortion giant’s diabolical business model of killing the unborn, flooding the courts, and taking over half a billion of our tax dollars to pad its exorbitant record profits every year. Planned Parenthood rushed to court.

Now the Supreme Court has JUST agreed to hear the case to determine if states can defund the abortion industry, and we’re filing a major amicus brief in just days to deliver a stunning rebuke to Planned Parenthood at the Supreme Court.

Mark my words: This is the single biggest abortion case since we helped overturn Roe. It’s the greatest opportunity – ever – to see Planned Parenthood dismantled once and for all.

The abortion giant is reeling. But as we battle Planned Parenthood’s seemingly unlimited taxpayer-funded resources at the Supreme Court, we need you.

Donate To Defund Abortion. Defend Babies at SCOTUS.

We’ve been engaged in 175 pro-life legal matters over the past year, but none are bigger than this moment. Take urgent action with us today to save the lives of countless babies.

Sign: Defund Planned Parenthood at Supreme Court.

Jordan Sekulow
ACLJ Executive Director

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