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Staying Steadfast

By Family policy alliance

You and I are experiencing a time unlike any other. As I talk with many friends around our nation, there is a sense that things are shifting so quickly, that we can’t get our bearings. One friend reflected, “now I truly understand what my own parents experienced in the 1930’s.” He continued, “they spoke of how their family, neighbors, church and community all pulled together and saw each other through.” They were steadfast… one to another.

In challenging times, Christ-followers are the ones who are steadfast, the ones who are sought out by those looking for hope around us, and the ones who are reaching out to our neighbors with encouragement, hope and help. We are steadfast because of how our Father models it for us (Ps. 33:18- Behold, the eye of the Lord is on those who fear him, on those who hope in his steadfastlove)!

We recognize that government can only do so much (and shouldn’t try to do more!). The Church has always been the steadfast help in times of crisis. Indeed, the Church is–and has always been–designed by our Lord for that very purpose!

Thank you for your past sacrificial support to Family Policy Alliance. If you can continue to support us financially at this time, it will only help us advance the mission further. If you can support us through prayer–that will have an exponential effect! As a debt-free ministry, we are positioned to carry on–by God’s grace.

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