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God’s’s Encouraging Word of the day

“No temptation has overtaken you except what is common to mankind. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it.”

1 corinthians 10: 13

Temptation is a routine part of life. Our desire to sin can sometimes feel so much more powerful than our desire to do what is right before God.

What if we cannot resist? What if, as some suggest, we are put in a position where resistance is impossible: a scenario where we have no real choice, other than to sin? Or, at least, no hope of resisting the temptation?

The Bible offers reassurance: overcoming any given temptation is entirely possible. That is true for every Christian, none of us are uniquely tempted by sin—in the sense that our desire to sin, whatever unique form it takes for us, is common and ordinary. We are no more or less subject to temptation than those who came before us or walk alongside us. The experience of human temptation is part of what makes Christ’s relationship to us one of trust and hope.

Second, our God is still for us. He loves us. He is not waiting for us to fail; He is ready to help us.

Finally, God will always make a way of escape out of whatever temptation stands before us. If we look for a way to say no to whatever sin compels us, God promises we will find it

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