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Gods encouraging word of the day

“And he said to them, ‘Why are you troubled, and why do doubts arise in your hearts?”

Luke 24:38

When you receive disappointment, when you are in some type of trial, when you sin, these are times when Satan will rush in and say things like you are not right with God, God is mad at you, God has forsaken you, it’s God’s fault blame Him etc.

In order to create doubt in our hearts Satan will come in and make these lies, but remember that’s what Satan is…a liar. He will do anything he can to make you doubt God’s love for you, His mercy, His grace, and His power.

God is with you. God says don’t lean on your own understanding for a reason, because it brings confusion, instead trust in God and know that he’s always there for you.

God Bless You

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