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God‘s encouraging word of the day

“I will make them strong in the LORD, and they shall walk in his name,” declares the LORD.”

Zachariah 10:12

When we know that our strength is in God, we no longer rely on ourselves. We don’t rely on ourselves for anything–not that work presentation we’ve been losing sleep over, not the big move we’re about to make, not even the illness we’ve been diagnosed with. We apart from God do not have the strength to overcome obstacles. But if we believe God’s strength is endless, we do not fear our own weakness.

When we know that we are saved, we don’t have to strive to be good enough. We often fear we are making too many mistakes and our sin is too big. But if we believe we are saved and that our salvation is always there, we do not fear our own inadequacy.

When we know victory is His, we do not have to fear evil. In those times when we fear being at the mercy of evil in the form of an abuser or a terrible circumstance or a corrupt leader, we can take comfort in the fact God has already won and this temporary evil is just that: temporary.

God knows our tendency to fear. That is why his Word is full of reasons not to.

God Bless You

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