This weekend, we celebrate every mother and their openness to the precious gift of LIFE! New Mexico Alliance for Life extends our heartfelt thanks and blessings to all mothers and their families this Mother’s Day weekend.
As we know, embracing motherhood comes with its own unique set of challenges, frustrations, and obstacles but along this journey, we also recognize the abundant blessings, love, and hope it brings. As a pro-life community we inherently understand that mothers facing unexpected pregnancies require our love, support, and encouragement–especially when the vast majority of abortions are committed due to financial, relationship, family problems, school or housing issues.
It is crucial to address the underlying reasons that may lead a woman to consider abortion: We find that by assisting women in addressing the reasons that drives them to consider abortion—that the decision to abortion no longer becomes an option.
This is what it means to foster a culture of life. Looking back through history, we see a tradition where pregnant women were embraced and supported by their families, communities, and tribes, both during and after pregnancy. We must strive to revive this spirit of solidarity and care as we honor mothers and the miracle of life.
Now, in our modern era, this dynamic has been turned on its head–in one study, 73.8% of women report they felt at least subtle forms of pressure to abort while 58% indicated they went through an abortion to make others happy.
This means, in these cases, aboriton is not a woman’s choice.
By shedding a light on the dark side of the abortion industry, we will continue to build a culture of life in New Mexico and assist more women to embrace the gift of LIFE.
Wishing you and your families a blessed and happy Mother’s Day weekend!