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The radical Left is telling you to cease and desist.

Today, we face a Supreme Court deadline in a massive case that protects Christian ministries from the lawfare of the radical Left. So far, the Left is winning – we must reverse this. The stakes are huge.

Anti-Christian extremists continuously use lawfare to silence us from living out our faith. We see the religious liberty of Christians violated for leading Bible studies, praying, and going to church on Sunday. They’re even fired for talking about Christ.

In today’s VITAL Supreme Court filing, we’ll argue that feeding the poor is a religious activity for a nonprofit – it’s biblical. The Left is eager to destroy Christian ministries, even while Planned Parenthood operates freely as a nonprofit. It’s repulsive.

We’re battling in court to defend your faith with deadlines looming for amicus briefs, FOIA requests, demand letters, and negotiations. We’ve won religious liberty cases just like this at the U.S. Supreme Court – and we need you now.

The investment to do this is significant. We MUST have the resources we need to defeat the Soros-backed radical Left. We urgently need your Tax-Deductible support today.

Donate To Defend Christians at the Supreme Court.

The radical Left’s lawfare is coming at us like a tidal wave, and the only way we can fight it is with your help. Join us in taking urgent action now.

Sign Petition: Defeat the Left’s War on Christians.

Jordan Sekulow
ACLJ Executive Director

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