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Santa Fe County Kicks Off Census Efforts

By Santa Fe County

Santa Fe County has made significant efforts to get a head start on the 2020 Census. On March 6, 2020, the County will formally kick off its multi-faceted outreach and education campaign at 9:30 a.m., at Pojoaque Council Chambers, 39 Camino del Rincon, Santa Fe, NM 87506. Congressman Ben Ray Luján will be present to share his message about the importance of the census to our communities.

The U.S. Census plays a vital role in the well-being of Santa Fe County residents. Every 10 years, the U.S. Census Bureau conducts a census of the United States. The data collected from this process affects funding for many different programs, including healthcare, community services, infrastructure, transportation, and other fundamental needs.

The success of Santa Fe County’s 2020 Census depends greatly on the community’s collective ability to promote and educate the public on census activities. Commissioner Henry P. Roybal, Chair of the Santa Fe County Complete Count Committee, indicated “We are excited to work collaboratively with partners across the County to ensure that we have a complete count in 2020.”

The goal of the Santa Fe County 2020 Census campaign is to maximize self-response. The County will do this by engaging trusted community partners to educate County residents about the importance of the census and what it means to our communities. The approach will blend a number of strategies, including direct mail, media, newsletters, statement stuffers, email, enrollment kiosks, phone banking, robo calling, and community education meetings and events.

The U.S. Census Bureau will mail postcards in mid-March with a personal code to self-respond to the census via internet, telephone or mail.  For every person counted, $3,700 in federal funding flows to our communities for programs such as meals, healthcare, affordable housing, roads, and senior programs.  Millions of dollars in funding for our communities is at stake!

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