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Gods Encouraging Word of the day

“even there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me fast.”

Psalm 139:10

This psalm was written by King David during his later years in life. David’s life had been full of ups and downs, Triumphs and mistakes. Through it all he knew God would guide him and protect him. David had faith that regardless of circumstance, God would guide him along the right path.

It has been said that the two greatest days of your life are the day you were born and the day you find out why.’

Purpose in life is far more important than property or possessions.  Having more to live with is no substitute for having more to live for.

Until we know the purpose of our lives we cannot even begin to make the best use of them.

The only way to find your true purpose in life is to walk with God every second of every day.

God has a specific purpose for each of us.  As well as specific purposes for every individual life

God has given us a guidebook to find our purpose…a Manual so to speak in the form of the Bible. By spending time in Gods word we start to build that most important relationship with our creator… learning the right way to live our lives fully.

God Bless You

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