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Representative Carl Trujillo-SHARE YOUR THOUGHTS!!

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Dear Fellow New Mexican,

Given the chaos and uncertainly we find in our federal government on critical issues like healthcare and lack of transparency, I feel that it is more important than ever to maintain good communications at the state level with the citizens of New Mexico. We face our own issues and struggles here in New Mexico, and I want to keep working with you to help bring positive change to lives of all New Mexicans.

Every year I host a series of listening meetings just before the session starts in January.  I do this in at least four different areas of District 46.  These meetings are very valuable to me for understanding what is important to you.  I will continue to host the listening meetings before the start of the legislative sessions.  However, recently the legislature has started interim committee hearings across the state.  I feel hearing from you earlier could be effective so I can actively work for you at interim committee meetings as I always want to be able to listen to your concerns and respond by representing your voices at the NM Capitol.

This is why we have launched a new website. If you have any concerns, ideas, or challenges, please click our new ‘Your Thoughts’ link and share them with me.

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