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What We Can Learn From Israel’s First War

What We Can Learn From Israel’s First War

Instead of acknowledging Jewish right to sovereignty, the Arabs escalated their violence against the Jewish communities of pre-state Israel. There was a general Arab strike throughout the land, and groups of Arabs attacked Jewish towns, Jewish sections of cities, and civilians on buses. An arms embargo was imposed by Great Britain and the United States; however, Great Britain continued to supply weapons to Iraq and Transjordan, and thereby access to arms for Arab forces and militias.


An Arab army moved into the Holy Land, from Lebanon and many Arabs began to flee cities and towns. There was a public call for the Arabs of the area to make way for the conquering Arab armies with the reassurance that Arabs would be able to return to their homes once the war against the Jews was won. The Jewish leadership pleaded with many of their Arab neighbors to stay, hoping for peace between the two peoples and the building of a tolerant society.


The British Mandate ended on May 14, 1948. That same day, despite increasing acts of violence and aggression against them by the Arab world, the Jews of Israel declared the creation of an independent Jewish and democratic state.


Jews the world over rejoiced; a historic wrong had finally been made right. But the celebrations were short-lived, however, as the Syrian, Egyptian, Jordanian, Lebanese, and Iraqi armies invaded Israel that same day.

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