Breaking News


By City of Santa Fe
Department of Health reported 20 new cases in Santa Fe County. The 87507 and 87505 Zip codes are in the state’s top 10–and ’07 occupies the unfortunate number one position on that list. Statewide, 187 new cases were reported, along with 10 new deaths. When public health officials and government leaders keep telling us that “we’re not out of the woods yet,” what they mean is that people are still getting sick and dying, and we still face the threat of backsliding to “Yellow” and the restrictions that come with it. The right response? Get registered, get vaccinated, wear a mask, maintain physical distance, and influence whoever you can to do likewise. We’re not out of the woods yet!
PUBLIC HEALTH INFO TARGETS HARDEST-HIT PARTS OF TOWN: The Santa Fe Promise Campaign has been creating and disseminating COVID-19 education materials since November, and the efforts are ongoing as the Zip codes 87507 and 87505 continue to be the hardest hit in our county. The bulk of the information the campaign team has been collecting and sharing is located on website, which has a Spanish translation ( Additionally, the City has utilized community partners and allocated CARES Act funding to make sure that 87507 and 87505 zip codes in particular are receiving updated information about their options for registration and vaccination. To date, over 7,500 bags with hand sanitizer, masks, and COVID-safe practice booklets have been delivered to apartments and mobile homes in the target Zip codes. Spanish-language Facebook ads have been aimed to Spanish-speaking populations, the Food Depot and Communities in Schools have passed out vaccine registration flyers, and Operation Facemask is giving out packs of masks (see below). Additionally, the Promise campaign team is working with Chainbreaker to deliver information in person to over 4,500 homes in the 87505 and 87507 Zip codes on how to register and get vaccinated. Santa Fe Link is working with Capital High students to create bilingual social media videos to debunk vaccination myths, for distribution to their families and peers. These outreach efforts require amplification and utilization in order to be effective, so let’s all do what we can to keep the lid on the spread of the virus and solve this lingering public health problem in our communities with the greatest needs.
40+ CAN SCHEDULE WITHOUT EVENT CODE: Residents 40 and older can now schedule vaccination appointments without an event code. Eligible residents need to visit the and register if they haven’t already done so. Registered residents can login into their profile to schedule an event and choose a date and location that is most convenient for them. Additionally, CHRISTUS St. Vincent announced last week that you can call them to schedule a vaccine appointment at (505) 913-3080.
COMMUNITY VACCINATION EVENTS IN MAY: Now that all 16+ vaccination eligibility phases are open and more vaccines are being supplied, several vaccination events are taking place in and around Santa Fe. CHRISTUS St. Vincent will have three more drive-thru events at the Midtown Site on May 6, 7, and 13. The City will continue to provide the venue and logistics, with the Police and Fire Departments directing traffic and providing medical support. Note: The site must be entered from the St. Michaels Drive side.
USEFUL UP-TO-DATE DATA: The CHRISTUS St. Vincent Facebook page herehas been sharing regular announcements of their vaccine availability as well as information on how to schedule appointments by visiting or calling (505) 913-3080.
DON’T HESITATE, GET REGISTERED TODAY: As of today, 69.3% of Santa Fe County residents are registered to get vaccinated. If you are not registered or know anyone who still needs to get registered to get their vaccine, please go If you have any questions about the efficacy, safety or general questions about the COVID-19 vaccine, please talk to your doctor. Additionally, you can visit
OPERATION FACEMASK: The City now distributes free masks at libraries, recreation centers, and tourism offices. These are reusable/washable cotton masks that come in packs of five; one pack is provided per individual or two packs per household, while supplies last. The Emergency Proclamation that Mayor Webber signed is a powerful reminder that the City is still under a health emergency. Among many other requirements, wearing a mask when out in public is still the law: “Unless a healthcare provider instructs otherwise or the State exempts a person from wearing a facial covering, all individuals shall wear a mask or facial covering in public settings except when eating or drinking.” This applies to everyone–even those who have been vaccinated.
COMPASSIONATE CRISIS INTERVENTION: The City shares the local medical community’s concern about pandemic-related mental health and behavioral health issues emerging during the pandemic and anticipated in its aftermath. On Monday, the City introduced the first Alternative Response Unit (ARU), which will hit the streets May 4, 2021. The unit is a collaborative effort between the Fire and Police Departments, and Community Services; each team will include a paramedic, a police officer, and a case manager, all trained in Crisis Intervention. The ARU will provide an appropriate level of response to a variety of calls that come in through the dispatch center, which are non-violent and involve people in need of social and behavioral health services. Mayor Webber says: “Santa Fe should be proud of the Alternative Response Unit and what it means to our families. We’re showing innovation and flexibility in how we help people who have mental and behavioral health needs. At the same time, we’ll allow our police officers and firefighters to respond to calls for service that better match their training and skills.” Police Chief Andrew Padilla said the cross-departmental Alternative Response Unit represents the evolution of law enforcement and out-of-the-box thinking about community policing.
SANCTUARY CITY: Undocumented residents of Santa Fe may understandably be wary about registering for and receiving vaccines–but there’s nothing to worry about. There is no requirement at any stage of the process to declare immigration status. In a pandemic, what’s good for one of us is good for all of us.
  • If you are in need of resources, whether it’s food, or help due to unemployment, or dealing with a housing crisis, go to for direction to resources that help during these tough economic times.
  • You can apply for rental assistance at Apply online, or call 1-833-485-1334 to speak to a representative.
  • COVID-fatigue is real. If you or a loved one is suffering with mental and/or behavioral health issues, please call 1-855-NMCRISIS hotline, reach out to your health care provider, and talk to a family member or friend immediately.
BEFORE YOU GO: Here are reminders of some helpful resources:

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