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Transforming Society One Classroom at a Time

The late Irving Roth—a Holocaust survivor, educator, and dear friend to CUFI—often said, “The Holocaust began with words.” Hateful words that eventually led to the slaughter of over 6 million innocent Jewish lives.


Are hateful words influencing our society once again?

For several years, antisemitism has been insidiously growing worldwide, and America is no exception. The question is, will Christians allow this evil to dictate our destiny?


Since our founding in 2006, CUFI has engaged in widespread efforts to combat antisemitism and educate about the Holocaust.


One of the most important ways we are doing this is by adding CUFI’s Israel Course to the curriculum in Christian schools and home schools around the nation.Another way we are combating antisemitism is by bringing key Christian school administrators to Poland and the Holy Land.


In June, CUFI hosted 30 school administrators representing Christian schools, home schools, and charter schools from around the nation on a life-changing journey in Poland where they visited death camps and witnessed the horrors of the Holocaust. From that darkness, they moved to the light when they landed in Tel Aviv to witness firsthand, Israel’s strength, resilience, and beauty.

Because of your generosity, these godly men and women are now equipped and empowered to share the truth about Israel with their students. To help you be the best defender of Israel you can be, we are sending you a FREE “Israel is Truth” one-pager to encourage and educate you.

Allow me to share an inspirational quote from a participant who joined us from Faith Academy in Victoria, Texas:

“The trip to Poland and Israel profoundly impacted me on a spiritual and educational level. The lens I see the Holocaust and antisemitism has forever changed…our students will be forever changed.”

Together, we can turn the tide—one student, classroom, and school at a time.


This month, as a thank-you for your gift of any amount, we will send you a new “Israel Is Truth” sticker. Display this CUFI sticker on your laptop, water bottle, clipboard, or any area you would like to show your support for Israel. Give today to get yours!

I, and the leadership of Christians United for Israel, am profoundly grateful for your generosity. I know that with your support—and together with millions of CUFI members across the country—we will continue to help make Israel more secure and her people safer.


With gratitude,

Pastor John Hagee


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