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SFC Roar April 2024

We are officially in spring! The season of new life, growth and occasionally 60mph gusts of wind. (But, did you know the wind is critical to essential plants?)Here at Santa Fe Christian we truly are in a season of spring because, The Lord is growing us! We are praising The Lord that our classrooms for 2024-2025 are filling …

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Register for the 2024 Next Generation Water Summit

Solutions for a Changing World June 20-21, 2024 Protecting, reusing and conserving water, our most precious natural resource, is vital to sustaining our quality of life and economic growth. Home builders cannot build without available water sources; water policy and water professionals have the responsibility to protect and make water …

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Christus St. Vincent Birth Services

There is no greater joy than welcoming a new life into the world. Our birthing services offer patients comprehensive programs and services, providing expectant parents with all the support and information they need for a healthy pregnancy, birth, and baby. By Christus St. Vincent Our Approach More babies are born …

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2nd Annual Colcha Club Pop-up!

You’re invited to join us: Friday, April 12th 3pm – 4:30pm for our Second Annual Colcha Club Pop-up! Once again, we would like to showcase the work of the members of our Colcha Club that meets monthly here at the museum. The pop-up exhibit will display work by the club members who …

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Is Israel on the brink of another war?

On Monday, Israel bombed a building adjacent to the Iranian embassy in Damascus, killing the top Iranian general responsible for Tehran’s terrorist activities in Lebanon and Syria, in addition to two other Brigadier Generals of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (IRGC). Iran has stated that they consider this to be equivalent …

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What We Can Learn From Israel’s First War

What We Can Learn From Israel’s First War Instead of acknowledging Jewish right to sovereignty, the Arabs escalated their violence against the Jewish communities of pre-state Israel. There was a general Arab strike throughout the land, and groups of Arabs attacked Jewish towns, Jewish sections of cities, and civilians on …

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Israel is under attack. It’s at war as Hamas is firing deadly rockets and has gunned down civilians in Jerusalem. Now we have an urgent MIDNIGHT deadline as we fight to defend Israel. Yet in the face of these genocidal attacks, Biden is abandoning our ally. He’s drawn a “red …

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